“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”-Muhammed Ali

My assemblies following our latest HMI visit have focussed on this famous Muhammed Ali quote. The message of which is a perfect example of our core value of determination. I placed particular emphasis on daring to achieve the impossible and referred to the many times people told me it would be impossible to turn around a school like Ernesford. I told our students how much I have enjoyed rejecting these opinions and making the impossible possible, with their help and the hard-work of the staff.

I believe it is important to remind our students of the occasions last year when many of them and their parents spoke of Ernesford Grange in less than positive terms and I then went on to highlight just how far we have transformed as a school community since those dark December days of 2016 when we went into Special Measures. We are still special, but I see no evidence anymore that we are a school in Special Measures.

Following our most recent HMI inspection at the end of March I was pleased to share the following information with our young people:


The lead inspector placed great emphasis on the shift in culture and the new norm we have established for positive behaviour and I want our students to take the credit for the way they have risen to the challenge.

I also wanted to make sure our students are aware of what we need to do to improve further and explained their role and the role of our teachers and support staff in ensuring we achieve Ernesford Excellence together sildentadal.com.


Finally, I wanted to make sure that both students and staff were reminded that we have no place in our school for those who doubt what we are capable of. We have the highest expectations of every student and every member of staff and it is everyone’s responsibility to put in the hard-work and effort required to equip our students for success in their lives beyond Ernesford Grange.